Anigen Rapid FIV Ab/FeLV Ag Testkit

Although vaccines against FeLV are available in many countries and against FIV in some countries, identifying infected cats remains an important factor in preventing new infections. The retrovirus status of any cat at risk of infection should be known. Cats should be tested as soon as possible after purchase, after contact with an infected cat or a cat of unknown infection status, prior to vaccination against FeLV or FIV, and whenever clinical disease develops. It may not be possible to determine a cat’s infection status using tests at a single point in time; repeat testsusing different methods may be required. Although FeLV and FIV infections can be associated with clinical illness, some infected cats, particularly those infected with FIV, can live for many years with a good quality of life.

There is little data evaluating treatments for infected cats, particularly antiretroviral and immunomodulatory drugs. Management of infected cats focuses on effective preventive health strategies and prompt detection and treatment of disease and limiting the spread of infection.

Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) are among the most common causes of infectious diseases in cats and are found worldwide. A large observational study evaluated FeLV and FIV test results over a 9-year period from 2008 to 2016. 1  Data was collected from a reference laboratory database containing results from cats field-tested using point-of-care (POC) testing. Almost 3 million test results from 68 countries grouped in seven world regions were analyzed

A 2006 survey of over 18,000 cats in the US and Canada found that 2.3% of cats were positive for FeLV antigen and 2.5% of cats were positive for FIV antibodies. In 2009, a survey of over 11,000 cats in Canada found prevalences of 3.4% for FeLV antigen and 4.3% for FIV antibody.  Another large study in 2010 evaluated the results of FeLV antigen and FIV antibody test results from over 62,000 cats from veterinary clinics and shelters in the United States and Canada.

In this study, the prevalence for FeLV antigen and FIV antibody was 3.1% and 3.6%, respectively. A prospective study in Europe testing cats attending a veterinary facility from September 2016 to March 2017 for salivary FeLV RNA as a measure of antigenemia found an overall prevalence of 2.3%. The highest prevalence was in southern Europe (5.5%) and the lowest in northern Europe (0.7%). These studies show that although infection prevention guidelines have been in place for decades, there is a need to improve adherence to testing and vaccination recommendations.

Feline Leukemia Virus Infection

Transmission of feline leukemia virus

FeLV is transmitted through close contact between cats. Generally, it is transmitted vertically and horizontally from infected queens to their kittens, and horizontally between cohabiting or feuding cats. There is an age-related increase in resistance to FeLV infection; Kittens are at the highest risk of becoming progressively infected. However, some studies have shown effective natural and experimental infection in adult cats. 

Pathogenesis of feline leukemia virus

Progressively infected cats shed infectious viruses in body fluids, including saliva, nasal discharge, milk, urine, and feces.  Cats typically acquire FeLV via the oral route, but can also become infected through bite wounds. After virus exposure via the oronasal route, FeLV can first be found in the local lymphoid tissues; then it spreads to the periphery via monocytes and lymphocytes (primary viremia; see “Terminology” on page 24). During this primary viremia, the virus can infect the bone marrow.  Secondary viremia can occur after bone marrow infection, in which FeLV-containing leukocytes and platelets appear in the blood, resulting in the virus being detectable by an immunofluorescent antibody (IFA) test.

Results after exposure to feline leukemia virus

Based on molecular methods, the possible consequences of infection after FeLV exposure have been redefined. episodes of FeLV infection are now classified as abortive infection (comparable to the earlier “regressor cats”), regressive infection (comparable to the earlier “latent infection”, with or without prior “transient viremia”) and progressive infection ( comparable to the earlier „persistent viremia“). The probability of each result depends on the infection pressure and the cat’s immune status and has been described in experimental infections with certain pathogen-free cats.

Historically, exposure to FeLV has been reported to result in abortive infection in 20-30% of cats, regressive infection in 30-40% of cats, and progressive infection in 30-40% of cats.  However, large field studies testing simultaneously for p27 antigen, proviral DNA, viral RNA and virus-neutralizing antibodies have identified a higher proportion of cats suspected of having neutralizing antibodies based on a pattern of negative antigen and PCR testing abortive infections have occurred. In a study of 495 domestic cats in Germany, 4% were classified as having an abortive infection, 2% as progressive and 1% as regressive.In a study of 440 domestic cats in Australia, 11% were classified as presumptively abortive, 2% as presumptively regressive, and 0.5% as presumably progressive.

This suggests that abortive infection may be the most common outcome after exposure under typical conditions. In contrast, in two populations of cats in Australia (a group of 38 cats and a group of 51 cats) in which FeLV-infected and uninfected cats were mixed without separating healthy from clinically ill cats, 9% were considered abortive classified infection, 25% as regressive and 21% as progressive, suggesting that infection resistance can be compromised by intense infection pressure, comorbidities, and a stressful environment.

FeLV Ag and FIV Ab Rapid Test Card

C11622 Ring Biotechnology Co 10T 45 EUR

FeLV Ag and FIV Ab Rapid Test Card (HANGZHOU ANTIGEN)

C11621 Ring Biotechnology Co 10T 45 EUR

Feline Leukemia Virus Antigen (FeLv Ag) Rapid Test Kit

HG029 EnoGene 10 Tests/Kit 21 EUR

Feline Immunodefiency Virus Ab(FIV Ab) Rapid Test Kit

HG039 EnoGene 10 Tests/Kit 21 EUR

BVDV Ag Rapid Test Kit

T41131 Ring Biotechnology Co 20T 60 EUR

Giardia Ag Rapid Test Kit

HG034 EnoGene 10 Tests/Kit 22.4 EUR

Accu-Tell COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test

GEN-B352-20tests Accu test 20 tests 283.2 EUR

AIV Ab Rapid Test Kit

T20191 Ring Biotechnology Co 20T 60 EUR

PCV Ab Rapid Test Kit

T30051 Ring Biotechnology Co 20T 60 EUR

LYME Ab Rapid Test Kit

HG035 EnoGene 10 Tests/Kit 16.1 EUR

PRRS Ab Rapid Test Kit

T30021 Ring Biotechnology Co 20T 60 EUR

BVDV Ab Rapid Test Kit

T40131 Ring Biotechnology Co 20T 60 EUR

Canine Heartworm Ag(CHW Ag) Rapid Test Kit

HG037 EnoGene 10 Tests/Kit 16.1 EUR

Canine Rotavirus Ag(CRV Ag) Rapid Test Kit

HG040 EnoGene 10 Tests/Kit 16.1 EUR

Canine Adenovirus Ag(CAV Ag) Rapid Test Kit

HG038 EnoGene 10 Tests/Kit 16.1 EUR

Feline Herpesvirus Antigen (FHV Ag) Rapid Test Kit

HG005 EnoGene 10 Tests/Kit 16.1 EUR

Feline Calicivirus Antigen (FCV Ag) Rapid Test Kit

HG030 EnoGene 10 Tests/Kit 21 EUR

Feline Coronavirus Antigen (FCoV Ag) Rapid Test Kit

HG006 EnoGene 10 Tests/Kit 21 EUR

RSV Ag Rapid Test, Cs

R0186C CTK Biotech 20 2.15 EUR

Toxoplasma Ab Rapid Test Kit

T30141 Ring Biotechnology Co 20T 60 EUR

Dengue Ag Rapid Test, Cs

R0063C CTK Biotech 30 1 EUR

Rota'Adeno Ag Rapid Test, Cs

R0196C CTK Biotech 2fi 0.9 EUR

Rotavirus Ag Rapid Test, Cs

R0194C CTK Biotech 2fi 0.8 EUR

Adenovirus Ag Rapid Test, Cs

R0189C CTK Biotech 20 2.15 EUR

AIV H5 Ab Rapid Test Kit

T20192 Ring Biotechnology Co 20T 60 EUR

AIV H7 Ab Rapid Test Kit

T20197 Ring Biotechnology Co 20T 60 EUR

Feline Panleukopenia Virus Antigen (FPV Ag) Rapid Test Kit

HG004 EnoGene 10 Tests/Kit 16.1 EUR

Canine Babesia Ab Rapid Test Kit

HG033 EnoGene 10 Tests/Kit 16.1 EUR

Human HIV Antigen and Antibody (HIV Ag/Ab) Rapid Test Kit

abx472022-1096tests Abbexa 10 × 96 tests Ask for price

Human HIV Antigen and Antibody (HIV Ag/Ab) Rapid Test Kit

abx472022-596tests Abbexa 5 × 96 tests Ask for price

Human HIV Antigen and Antibody (HIV Ag/Ab) Rapid Test Kit

abx472022-96tests Abbexa 96 tests 262.5 EUR

FCV& FHV Ag Rapid Test Card

C11591 Ring Biotechnology Co 10T 40 EUR

H. pylori Ag Rapid Test, Cs

R0192C CTK Biotech 2fi 0.8 EUR

Feline infectious peritonitis Antigen (FIPV Ag)Rapid Test Kit

HG0053 EnoGene 10 Tests/Kit 21 EUR

COVID-19 Ag Rapid Test, Cs

R0182C CTK Biotech 20 1.25 EUR

Feline Calicivirus Antibody (FCV Ab) Rapid Test Kit

HG041 EnoGene 10 Tests/Kit 16.1 EUR

Porcine Parvovirus Ab Rapid Test Kit

T30061 Ring Biotechnology Co 20T 60 EUR

2019-nCoV IgG/IgM Rapid Test Cassette (Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma)

GEN-402-25tests All test 25 tests 292.8 EUR

Bovine Tuberculosis Ab Rapid Test Kit

T40841 Ring Biotechnology Co 20T 60 EUR

Porcine Trichinella Ab Rapid Test Kit

T30841 Ring Biotechnology Co 20T 60 EUR

Porcine Pseudorabies Ab Rapid Test Kit

T30041 Ring Biotechnology Co 20T 60 EUR

Dengue Ag Rapid Test External Control Kit

C0063 CTK Biotech each 560 EUR

Swine Transmissible Gastroenteritis Ag Rapid Test Kit

T31081 Ring Biotechnology Co 20T 60 EUR

TOXO IgG/IgM Ab Rapid Test Kit

HG032 EnoGene 10 Tests/Kit 18.9 EUR

Syphilis Ab Rapid Test, Ds

R0030S CTK Biotech 50 0.18 EUR

Canine Parvovirus Antigen (CPV Ag) Rapid Test Kit

HG001 EnoGene 10 Tests/Kit 16.1 EUR

Leishmania Ab Rapid Test, Ds

R0122S CTK Biotech 50 Ask for price

Canine Coronavirus Antigen (CCV Ag) Rapid Test Kit

HG003 EnoGene 10 Tests/Kit 16.1 EUR

Dynamiker Monkeypox Virus Ag Rapid Test

DNK-2114-1 Dynamiker Biotechnology 20 tests 702 EUR

Malaria Pf/Pv Ag Rapid Test, Cs

R01-UC CTK Biotech 30 0.6 EUR

Malaria Pf/Pan Ag Rapid Test. Cs

R0113C CTK Biotech 30 0.6 EUR

H. pylori Ag Rapid Test External Control Kit

C0192 CTK Biotech each 560 EUR

Feline Panleukopenia Virus Antibody(FPV Ab) Rapid Test Kit

HG042 EnoGene 10 Tests/Kit 17.5 EUR

COVID-19 Ag Rapid Test External Control Kit

C0182 CTK Biotech each 520 EUR

Porcine Japanese encephalitis Ab Rapid Test Kit

T30071 Ring Biotechnology Co 20T 60 EUR

Peste des petits ruminants (PRRV) Ag Rapid Test Kit

T41151 Ring Biotechnology Co 20T 60 EUR

Lead Rapid Test Kit

700001 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 200 EUR

Canine Distemper Virus Antigen (CDV Ag) Rapid Test Kit

HG002 EnoGene 10 Tests/Kit 16.1 EUR

Canine Influenza virus Antigen (CIV Ag) Rapid Test Kit

HG028 EnoGene 10 Tests/Kit 16.1 EUR

Chagas Ab Combo Rapid Test, Cs

R0171C CTK Biotech 30 1 EUR

Estriol Rapid Test Kit

100058 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Canine Relaxin Antigen (RLN Ag) Rapid Pregnancy Test Kit

HG043 EnoGene 10 Tests/Kit 16.1 EUR

Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) Ag Rapid Test Kit

T31091 Ring Biotechnology Co 20T 60 EUR

Neomycin Rapid Test Kit

100010 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 85 EUR

Colistin Rapid Test Kit

100026 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Flunixin Rapid Test Kit

100028 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 85 EUR

Melamine Rapid Test Kit

400002 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Melamine Rapid Test Kit

abx092011-100l Abbexa 100 µl 175 EUR

Melamine Rapid Test Kit

abx092011-1ml Abbexa 1 ml 437.5 EUR

Melamine Rapid Test Kit

abx092011-200l Abbexa 200 µl 287.5 EUR

Melamine Rapid Test Kit

abx092011-50tests Abbexa 50 tests 444 EUR

Caffeine Rapid Test Kit

abx092240-100l Abbexa 100 µl 387.5 EUR

Caffeine Rapid Test Kit

abx092240-1ml Abbexa 1 ml 3600 EUR

Caffeine Rapid Test Kit

abx092240-200l Abbexa 200 µl 1050 EUR

Paraquat Rapid Test Kit

N002 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Carbaryl Rapid Test Kit

N007 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Fipronil Rapid Test Kit

N013 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Syphilis Ab Combo Rapid Test, Cs

R0031C CTK Biotech 30 0.3 EUR

Natamycin Rapid Test Kit

101305 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 120 EUR

Estradiol Rapid Test Kit

100055 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Cefalexin Rapid Test Kit

E1012 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 120 EUR

Macrolides Rapid Test Kit

100323 Ring Biotechnology Co 48T 90 EUR

Lincomycin Rapid Test Kit

100005 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 85 EUR

Gentamicin Rapid Test Kit

100011 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 85 EUR

Spiramycin Rapid Test Kit

100031 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 85 EUR

Avermectin Rapid Test Kit

100045 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Bacitracin Rapid Test Kit

100046 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 85 EUR

Salbutamol Rapid Test Kit

100061 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Olaquindox Rapid Test Kit

100062 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 120 EUR

Metamizole Rapid Test Kit

100064 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 120 EUR

Pirlimycin Rapid Test Kit

100066 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Albendazol Rapid Test Kit

300001 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Quinolones Rapid Test Kit

110009 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Gentamicin Rapid Test Kit

110011 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Salbutamol Rapid Test Kit

abx092043-100l Abbexa 100 µl 175 EUR

Salbutamol Rapid Test Kit

abx092043-1ml Abbexa 1 ml 400 EUR

Salbutamol Rapid Test Kit

abx092043-200l Abbexa 200 µl 262.5 EUR

Adenovirus Rapid Test Kit

abx092253-100l Abbexa 100 µl 1925 EUR

Adenovirus Rapid Test Kit

abx092253-1ml Abbexa 1 ml 26250 EUR

Adenovirus Rapid Test Kit

abx092253-200l Abbexa 200 µl 6600 EUR

Cyromazine Rapid Test Kit

N006 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Carbofuran Rapid Test Kit

N010 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Babeis gibsoni Ab Rapid Test Card

C10631 Ring Biotechnology Co 15T 40 EUR

Carbendazim Rapid Test Kit

100334 Ring Biotechnology Co 48T 90 EUR

Acetamiprid Rapid Test Kit

100335 Ring Biotechnology Co 48T 90 EUR

Florfenicol Rapid Test Kit

100032 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 85 EUR

Clenbuterol Rapid Test Kit

100059 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Ractopamine Rapid Test Kit

100060 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Clenbuterol Rapid Test Kit

abx092040-100l Abbexa 100 µl 150 EUR

Clenbuterol Rapid Test Kit

abx092040-1ml Abbexa 1 ml 337.5 EUR

Clenbuterol Rapid Test Kit

abx092040-200l Abbexa 200 µl 225 EUR

Ractopamine Rapid Test Kit

abx092042-100l Abbexa 100 µl 150 EUR

Ractopamine Rapid Test Kit

abx092042-1ml Abbexa 1 ml 337.5 EUR

Ractopamine Rapid Test Kit

abx092042-200l Abbexa 200 µl 225 EUR

Zearalenone Rapid Test Kit

abx092051-100l Abbexa 100 µl 187.5 EUR

Zearalenone Rapid Test Kit

abx092051-1ml Abbexa 1 ml 487.5 EUR

Zearalenone Rapid Test Kit

abx092051-200l Abbexa 200 µl 325 EUR

Florfenicol Rapid Test Kit

E1020 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 120 EUR

Acetamiprid Rapid Test Kit

N004 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Carbendazim Rapid Test Kit

N001 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Feline Coronavirus Antigen Rapid Test Kit

abx092135-100l Abbexa 100 µl 487.5 EUR

Feline Coronavirus Antigen Rapid Test Kit

abx092135-1ml Abbexa 1 ml Ask for price

Feline Coronavirus Antigen Rapid Test Kit

abx092135-200l Abbexa 200 µl Ask for price

Progesterone Rapid Test Kit

102205 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Sulfonamides Rapid Test Kit

100008 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 85 EUR

Streptomycin Rapid Test Kit

100012 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 85 EUR

Progesterone Rapid Test Kit

100047 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Erythromycin Rapid Test Kit

100065 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Trimethoprim Rapid Test Kit

100070 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Sulfonamides Rapid Test Kit

abx092047-100l Abbexa 100 µl 287.5 EUR

Sulfonamides Rapid Test Kit

abx092047-1ml Abbexa 1 ml 625 EUR

Sulfonamides Rapid Test Kit

abx092047-200l Abbexa 200 µl 450 EUR

Tetracycline Rapid Test Kit

abx092048-100l Abbexa 100 µl 250 EUR

Tetracycline Rapid Test Kit

abx092048-1ml Abbexa 1 ml 562.5 EUR

Tetracycline Rapid Test Kit

abx092048-200l Abbexa 200 µl 375 EUR

Sulfonamides Rapid Test Kit

E1014 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 120 EUR

Imidacloprid Rapid Test Kit

N005 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Thiamethoxam Rapid Test Kit

N008 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Rabies Virus Antibody(Rabies Ab) Rapid Test Kit

HG044 EnoGene 10 Tests/Kit 17.5 EUR

Mycobacterium bovis MPB70/83 Ab Rapid Test Kit

T40581 Ring Biotechnology Co 20T 85 EUR

Tetracyclines Rapid Test Kit

100307 Ring Biotechnology Co 48T 90 EUR

Tetracyclines Rapid Test Kit

100006 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 85 EUR

Dexamethasone Rapid Test Kit

100044 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 85 EUR

Betamethasone Rapid Test Kit

100067 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Cefalosporins Rapid Test Kit

E1011 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 120 EUR

Metronidazole Rapid Test Kit

E1025 Ring Biotechnology Co 72T 200 EUR

*Rapid HiEnterococci Test Kit

K017-1KT EWC Diagnostics 1 unit 5.03 EUR

Duo Dengue Ag-IgG/IgM Rapid Test, Cs

R0062C CTK Biotech 2fi 1.9 EUR

Ehrlichia Canis (E.canis Ab) Antibody Rapid Test kit

CK04 Shenzhen Lvshiyuan Biotechnology 40 test/kit Ask for price

Chlorothalonil Rapid Test Kit

N003 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Chloramphenicol Rapid Test Kit

100314 Ring Biotechnology Co 48T 90 EUR

Chloramphenicol Rapid Test Kit

100014 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

Chloramphenicol Rapid Test Kit

abx092045-100l Abbexa 100 µl 175 EUR

Chloramphenicol Rapid Test Kit

abx092045-1ml Abbexa 1 ml 412.5 EUR

Chloramphenicol Rapid Test Kit

abx092045-200l Abbexa 200 µl 275 EUR

Dermatophytosis Rapid Test Kit

C10901 Ring Biotechnology Co 10T 25 EUR

Chloramphenicol Rapid Test Kit

E1705 Ring Biotechnology Co 48T 96 EUR

Quinolone rapid test strip Fluoroquinolone rapid test strip

LSY-20047 Shenzhen Lvshiyuan Biotechnology 96 test/kit Ask for price

Canine Ehrlichiosis Antibody (EHR Ab) Rapid Test Kit

HG036 EnoGene 10 Tests/Kit 24.5 EUR

Fluoroquinolones Rapid Test Kit

100009 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 85 EUR

Quinolones Rapid Test Kit Kit

100309 Ring Biotechnology Co 48T 90 EUR

HCV Ab Plus Combo Rapid Test, Cs

R0024C CTK Biotech 30 0.44 EUR

D-Dimer Rapid Test Kit

abx092246-100l Abbexa 100 µl 1750 EUR

D-Dimer Rapid Test Kit

abx092246-1ml Abbexa 1 ml 23750 EUR

D-Dimer Rapid Test Kit

abx092246-200l Abbexa 200 µl 6000 EUR

Melamine Rapid Test Kit Card (test cassette)

C400002 Ring Biotechnology Co 50T 85 EUR

H. pylori Ab Combo Rapid Test, Cs

R0191C CTK Biotech 30 0.5 EUR

Canine Influenza Virus(CIV) Ag Rapid Test card

LSY-20092 Shenzhen Lvshiyuan Biotechnology 40 test/kit Ask for price

CCBTS 5in1 Rapid Test Kit

100056 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 100 EUR

PCT Rapid Test

CPC-N302 Hangzhou AllTest Biotech 1 kit Ask for price

PCT Rapid Test

CPC-N402 Hangzhou AllTest Biotech 1 kit Ask for price

FOB Rapid Test

TFO-N601 Hangzhou AllTest Biotech 1 kit Ask for price

FOB Rapid Test

TFO-N602 Hangzhou AllTest Biotech 1 kit Ask for price

TriTest SQT Rapid Test Kit

100336 Ring Biotechnology Co 48T 100 EUR

TriTest TME Rapid Test Kit

100337 Ring Biotechnology Co 48T 100 EUR

TriTest MDL Rapid Test Kit

100338 Ring Biotechnology Co 48T 100 EUR

TriTest BTG Rapid Test Kit

100071 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 150 EUR

TriTest CCB Rapid Test Kit

100072 Ring Biotechnology Co 96T 150 EUR

Cocaine (COC) Rapid Test Kit

abx092195-100l Abbexa 100 µl 387.5 EUR

Cocaine (COC) Rapid Test Kit

abx092195-1ml Abbexa 1 ml 3600 EUR

Cocaine (COC) Rapid Test Kit

abx092195-200l Abbexa 200 µl 1050 EUR

Opiates (OPI) Rapid Test Kit

abx092216-100l Abbexa 100 µl 437.5 EUR

Opiates (OPI) Rapid Test Kit

abx092216-1ml Abbexa 1 ml 4200 EUR

Opiates (OPI) Rapid Test Kit

abx092216-200l Abbexa 200 µl 1225 EUR

 Viral RNA is normally detectable in plasma by real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) assays within 1 week of FeLV exposure, followed by proviral DNA detection by PCR within 2 weeks of exposure, and finally by FeLV- Antigen detection, which usually occurs after 30 days but may take longer in some cats. Not only cats with progressive infection go through the early stages, but also some cats with regressive infection. These regressively infected cats have similar proviral and plasmaviral RNA loads in their peripheral blood early in infection; However, unlike cats with progressive infection, their viral load decreases to undetectable levels over time.

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